Capital Campaign Cabinet Organized

Published in the November 2018 issue of ParishLife.

Campaign Cabinet Members Offer Perspectives on St. Paul’s and the Campaign

After nearly a year of research and planning, St. Paul’s is about to embark on its first major capital campaign in more than 15 years. The campaign is being led by Chairs David and Charlotte Broughton who have enlisted the aid of six couples to serve as the Campaign Cabinet. Recently, cabinet members shared their perspectives on St. Paul’s, the campaign and its theme, “ReNEWal: Inside and Out.”

Jonathan and Kristie Blanco

“Kristie and I are committed to serving St. Paul’s in whatever capacity is needed,” said Jonathan. “St. Paul’s is part of the faith life of our family and the fabric of Winston-Salem, so we are excited to help raise the capital needed to renovate our 1928 building and grounds as well as the building at 875 West Fifth Street. We like being part of all the wonderful things St. Paul’s will be able to do with the 875 building in the future.

“We love the theme for this campaign. We believe a multi-year spiritual renewal of St. Paul’s is already in full swing. Now we need to gather the resources to renew the church’s physical foundation so St. Paul’s can continue its mission of serving the needs of our St. Paul’s family and the broader Winston-Salem community.”

Jimmy and Grace Broughton

“This parish has been a part of Grace’s and my life since we returned to North Carolina in 2005 and we appreciate its long-standing role in our community,” said Jimmy. “We felt serving on the Campaign Cabinet was a way to be meaningfully involved in the life of this vibrant parish at an important time.

“On its basic level, the ReNEWal theme speaks to the dire need to address serious infrastructure problems facing our nearly 100-year-old church building. Maintaining any historic structure is critical for its survival and our church is no different. We know spending on maintenance is not exciting, but absolutely essential if we are to continue worshipping in this magnificent building.

“We are also excited about the possibilities for the 875 building to allow St. Paul’s to continue to be a major light in Winston-Salem. This new space will allow us to demonstrate daily Christ’s call in Matthew 5 to be ‘the light of the world.’

“On a higher level, the ReNEWal theme encourages us as individuals and as a parish to ponder what it means to be a follower of Christ in 2018. It promises an exciting time for the people of St. Paul’s and we look forward to this challenge.”

Morris and Colleen Friedman

“Colleen and I agreed to serve on the Campaign Cabinet because, simply stated, we love St. Paul’s,” said Morris. “It has been at the center of our family’s life and faith for years. The church and its people are a big part of who we are. We also believe that St. Paul’s is a powerful force for good in our community. We are a welcoming and inclusive community of believers as we try to do our part to spread God’s word and love in Winston-Salem and beyond.

“The campaign theme reminds us we need continually to renew our church on the inside by maintaining our buildings and physical plant and on the outside, through community outreach, to ensure that St. Paul’s remains relevant here long after we are gone. In so doing, we also renew ourselves and our faith.”

Ricky and Sally Shore

“Sally and I agreed to serve on the Campaign Cabinet because we believe it is our time to help with this work,” said Ricky. “Our generation has been the beneficiary of so much work by the ‘greatest generation’ before us, and now it is our time. To paraphrase Luke 12:48, ‘from those to whom much has been given, much is expected.’

“One obvious aspect of the campaign’s ReNEWal theme is the physical renewal of the great building built in 1928. We would like to renew the church building for those who will live and worship in it for the next 90 years. The outreach provided by programs in the 875 West Fifth Street building will have an immediate effect of renewal for people who need help now. We also hope the physical space will be the foundation for spiritual renewal for all for a lifetime.”

Scott and Lauren Wierman

“We have been members of St. Paul’s for 30 years,” said Scott, “and this church community where we have raised our family means so much to us. We were happy to serve when asked by Charlotte and David.

“This campaign reflects the capital projects within the existing campus that will strengthen and enhance its current state so that generations to come are able to enjoy the same worship experience that we do today.

“Additionally, ReNEWal offers us an opportunity to reach outside to up-fit and create new outreach space in the 875 West Fifth Street building to accommodate current and future outreach ministries.”

Kevin and Aimee Williams

“We agreed to serve on the Campaign Cabinet,” said Kevin, “because one, St. Paul’s means so much to our family. Two, we see, understand and agree that the needs being addressed by this campaign are critical to St. Paul’s and our community. And three, it is an opportunity to work with an awesome group of people on behalf of our church.

“Renewal inside and out, to me means not only addressing the physical needs of our church and its campus, but by and in doing so, renewing and reinvigorating our commitment to each other and to our community. Like most things worth doing, you get more out of it than you put into it.”