St. Paul’s ReNEWal Campaign Overview and Update

A highlight of St. Paul’s 2019 Annual Meeting was the official launching of the parish-wide “public phase” of the ReNEWal Capital Campaign by Chairs David and Charlotte Broughton.

ReNEWal: Inside and Out. Renewing our faith, our facilities and our commitment to God’s healing in this world.

Planning and preparation for the $10 million campaign have been underway since late 2017. Campaign priorities include $7.95 million for arts and architecture, $750,000 for campus grounds and $1.3 million for endowment.

David Broughton

David began the presentation by offering thanks. “There is no way that we will be able to say thank you enough to everybody,” he said. “The list goes on and on and on. To all of you for the support, the encouragement, the commitment and the contributions that you’ve already shown so far, we thank you very, very much.

“This is the first major capital campaign for St. Paul’s in over 15 years,” he continued. “It’s the product of lots of extensive planning over a very long time. A lot of thought and diligence has gone into it. The Vestry authorized the campaign back in the summer and we began soliciting lead gifts last November. Financing has already been secured to help with the construction of the projects.”

Charlotte Broughton

After David’s introductory overview of the campaign, Charlotte presented campaign goals and objectives, summarized in the above chart. David continued the presentation with additional details.

“As you’ve heard and you’ve seen,” he said, “our campaign theme has been ReNEWal: Inside and Out—certainly renewing our facilities, our community, our programs and hopefully our faith. The goal is 10 million dollars. Our time line is November 2018 until September 2019, although we are hoping to close down the campaign by June 30, ideally. In September, we are looking to have a great celebration.”

Pledges to the campaign are confidential and can be fulfilled over three to five years.

“Certainly accelerating pledge fulfillment will help St. Paul’s tremendously,” David noted. “So as you continue to prayerfully discern we ask that you keep that part of the consideration.”

David emphasized the goal of participation by all parishioners. “We really want to see 100 percent parish-wide participation in this campaign,” he said. “We have approximately 550 pledging units and we hope to see 550 pledges and contributions in this campaign.”

Noting that the campaign is being led by volunteers, David recognized Director of Stewardship Margaret Turner, clergy, staff and “lots of other people” for their support. While displaying a slide listing campaign volunteers, Charlotte added, “We could not be where we are today without a wealth of volunteers to help get the word out to the whole parish. So thank you.”

Campaign planners had hoped through lead gift solicitations to secure at least 70 percent of the $10 million goal before the February 3 meeting.

A high point of the presentation was when Charlotte announced, “As of today, we are at 75 percent of our goal.” After a brief pause, she added, “So we still have 25 percent more to go. Keep the momentum going!”

“Going forward, we have a lot of work to do,” said David. “We’re very excited about where we are. We’re very excited about the momentum. We’re confident we’re going to reach and hopefully exceed the goal. So when called upon, please say yes.”

For information about St. Paul’s ReNEWal Campaign, contact Margaret Turner, Director of Stewardship, at or (336) 723-4391, ext. 1210. Campaign volunteers, members of the Vestry and St. Paul’s clergy are also happy to answer campaign-related questions.

Campaign Timeline

November ‘17—April ‘18
Campaign Planning

  • Clarify priorities
  • Set working goal
  • Develop case for support
  • Identify leaders
  • Set-up infrastructure and gift policies

May ‘18—October ‘18
Campaign Preparation

  • Vestry approves Plan (Aug)
  • Enlist campaign leaders
  • Develop collateral
  • Begin cultivation efforts
  • Create communication plan
  • Host first Campaign Cabinet meeting (Sep)

November ‘18—January ‘19
Quiet Phase

  • Host cultivation events
  • Hold Town Hall Meetings
  • Implement communication plan
  • Begin soliciting lead gifts
  • Host second Campaign Cabinet meeting (Nov)
  • Host third Campaign Cabinet meeting (Jan)

February ‘19—September ‘19
Public Phase

  • Kick-off at February 3 Annual Meeting
  • 70% or more to goal
  • All parish gifts
  • Host cultivation events
  • Continue communication plan
  • Host fourth Campaign Cabinet meeting (Feb)
  • Celebrate in September!

Campaign Volunteers

(as of February 20, 2023)

  • David and Charlotte Broughton, Chairs
  • Steve Ashworth
  • Pam and Bill Ball
  • Graham Bennett
  • Kristie and Jonathan Blanco*
  • Jimmy and Grace Broughton*
  • Bruce Brown
  • Pat and Hal Brown
  • Jennifer and Lee Bryan
  • Allan Burrows
  • Chan and Winborne Chandler
  • Robert Clark
  • Tom Connors
  • Charles Corpening
  • Bill Davis
  • Deb and Greg Dunn
  • Haywood and Laura Edmundson
  • Sally and Jonathan Engram
  • Morris and Colleen Friedman*
  • Stan and Liz Kelly
  • Annette Lynch
  • David and Scottie Neill
  • Ben and Liz Noland
  • Lucy Paynter
  • Ed and Vicki Robins
  • David and Lisa Rowell
  • Jim Ruffin
  • Jack Scruggs
  • Ricky and Sally Shore*
  • Kevin and Emily Shute
  • Gray Smith
  • Scott and Lauren Wierman*
  • Kevin and Aimee Williams*

*Campaign Cabinet members