Window 25: The Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden

To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Francis Burton Craige, Dec. 23, 1875 – Jan. 11, 1945
Given by his wife, Jane Boyden Craige
South wall next to balcony

This window moves from the small circle at the bottom “In the Beginning, God,” which shows the separation of the waters of earth and sky (Genesis 1: 1-10). The three medallions are
1. “Creation of Man” (Genesis 1:26-27). Adam and Eve recline on a cloud form and the Hand of God issues from a cloud.
2. “The Fall of Man” (Genesis 3:1-7). Eve offers an apple to Adam, who extends his hand to receive it. Twined about the trunk of the tree is the serpent, Satan.
3. “Expulsion from the Garden” (Genesis 3:22-24). The archangel sends them forth.
In the borders, from bottom to top, are figures holding up the sun and moon, fig trees suggesting the Garden of Eden, Adam tilling the ground (Genesis 3:23) and Eve spinning. At the top is a cherub.