Windows 25-31

These windows are on the south wall of the nave. From the balcony to the transept, they depict stories from the Old Testament. The six lancets have three main medallions with smaller circles and border images. For more information about each window, click on the image.

Each window reads chronologically from bottom to top. Window 25 begins with creation, then the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, and the expulsion from the garden. Window 26 includes Noah’s Ark,  Abraham, and Jacob. Window 27 shows Moses and the Feast of Passover.

In Window 28, Moses receives the law, spies go into the land of Canaan, and Samson brings down the house on the Philistines and himself.  Window 29 begins with the anointment of David, then David and Goliath, and Solomon’s Temple. Window 30 includes Daniel, the Fiery Furnace, and Ezra rebuilding the Temple.

The large, four-part window on the south wall at the transept is a memorial to all “gave the supreme sacrifice for our country.”   The brass panels under this window list the men and women of this parish who served in World War II. Those who died are marked with an asterisk. The lancets show St. Alban, the first British martyr; St. George, patron saint of England; and St. David, patron saint of Wales.  Above is Christ, the King of Martyrs.

Click links below for details on other windows.

Windows 1 - 13  (North wall of nave )
Windows 14 - 24 (Balcony area)
Windows 32-57 (Clerestory - upper level in nave)
Windows 58-66 (Other locations)
Windows 67-82 (chapel area)