Window 26: The Deluge, Abraham, and Jacob

The Deluge, Abraham, and Jacob

To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Jane Craige Gray, Sept. 17, 1914 - July 14, 2023
Given by her mother, Jane Burton Craige.
South wall of nave

From bottom to top:
1. “The Deluge” (Genesis 7). The Ark rides safely, while the rain descends. The lower circle shows people drowning, and there are pairs of animals on each side.
In the small circle above are an altar (Genesis 8:20-22) and the rainbow, sign of the covenant (Genesis 9:13).
2. “Abraham’s Sacrifice” (Genesis 22:1-19). Isaac, bound, kneels on the sacrificial wood and Abraham holds the knife aloft. Caught in the bushes is a ram for the sacrifice. In the left border, Isaac carries wood for the pyre. On the right, an angel stays the hand of Abraham. In the circle above is a seraph.
3. “Jacob Wrestles the Angel” (Genesis 32:24-32). In the border left, Jacob is blessed by the angel; on the right Jacob passes Penuel (Genesis 32:30-32) as the sun rises. Below this medallion is a seraph and above a cherub.