Window 27: Moses and the Feast of Passover

Moses and Passover

Reynolds, Francis & Rhonstock, 1957
To the Glory of God and in loving memory of John William Goodson and Anna Walker Goodson
Given by William Alexander Goodson, Sr.
South wall of nave

Six parts from bottom to top:
1. (Small circle) Pharaoh commands a midwife to put to death at birth male children of Israelites (Exodus 1:15-22).
2. “The Finding of Moses” (Exodus 2:1-10). Pharaoh’s daughter finds the baby Moses in a reed basket. On the left is an Egyptian, and on the right, an Egyptian pyramid and palm tree.
3. (Small circle) Moses tending the flock in the land of Midian (Exodus 3:1).
4. “The Call of Moses” (Exodus 3) God calls Moses from the burning bush. On the left, Moses kills an Egyptian for beating a Hebrew (Exodus 2:11-15). On the right, Aaron’s staff becomes a serpent (Exodus 7:10-13).
5. (Small circle) Marking the doorpost with blood of a lamb (Exodus 12:7).
6. “The Feast of Passover” (Exodus 12:1-28). On the left, an Egyptian god, on the right, a servant bearing a lamb. Above is the angel of the Lord passing over the house of the Israelites.