Women’s Lenten Retreat Registration

Use this form to register and pay by credit card for the 10th Annual Women’s Lenten Retreat, March 21, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., in the Colhoun room at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.

Download and print this form to register offline and pay by check.

Each child you plan to bring with you must be registered separately. See the Children’s Registration link below.

Please note: Registrations for the retreat will not be processed without payment.

Name (required)

Phone number (required)

Your primary email (required)

Name on the credit card you will be using

Your church

Please be sure to click the "Register" button below before proceeding to the payment button. If you plan to bring children, we ask that you register each one individually using the link below the payment buttons.

Please leave this field empty.

Submit Payment

Use this button to submit your payment for the Women’s Retreat only:


If you are attending the Women’s Retreat and bringing children from PreK through fifth grade to the Children’s Retreat, use this button to pay for registration at both events:


The additional $10 registration fee pays for all children from your household who will attend the Children’s Retreat. Child care will be available for children three years old and younger at no additional charge.

 Children’s Registration

Please register each child you plan to bring to the Children’s Retreat or to child care.