
St. Paul’s Preschool offers classes at six different levels for children ranging in age from 3 months to five years.

Enrollment begins early in the calendar year, and classes typically fill quickly.

A mid-February registration deadline applies to:

  • children of active St. Paul’s parishioners,
  • currently enrolled students and their siblings,
  • siblings and/or children of alumni and
  • children of parishioners who have joined St. Paul’s within the past year.

Registration opens to the public approximately one week later.

In processing applications, the Preschool uses a point system to determine the order in which to fill available spaces.

Priority is given to active parishioners of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church based on years of church membership. An active parishioner is one who participates in Holy Communion at least three times per year, who has a paid-up pledge to St. Paul’s annual giving campaign from the previous year and a pledge made for the current year.

St. Paul’s Preschool also welcomes families in our community who are not affiliated with our church or preschool. Openings within the preschool are available to other applicants, once priority applicants’ children have been placed.