Peanut- and Nut-Free Snacks Policy

St. Paul’s Preschool has a number of children with confirmed or suspected allergies to peanuts and tree nuts. Therefore, no food containing peanuts or tree nuts of any kind will be served in our classrooms.

All children’s snacks served by the Preschool are peanut- and nut-free.

Foods sent in by parents for their children to share with classmates must be peanut- and nut-free. Only pre-packaged, un-opened items with ingredients clearly labeled on the package or fresh, uncut fruit will be allowed.

This policy eliminates the sharing of homemade goodies—and for this we are truly sorry—but the health of all of our students must take priority.

In regard to celebrating birthdays at preschool, most local bakeries do not label ingredients, and many items coming from local supermarket bakeries have ingredient labels with disclaimers stating that there may be traces of peanuts and/or nuts. There are some establishments that offer cupcakes, etc. that are peanut- and nut-free, but parents will need to search these out.

This peanut- and nut-free policy also applies to LunchBunch. No sandwiches, cookies, etc., containing nuts or peanuts may be sent with children for consumption during LunchBunch. (A note should be included identifying sandwiches that might be mistaken for peanut butter, etc.)

Please see the Safe Snack Guide for a complete, up-to-date list of approved snacks.