Category Archives: Adult Formation

Adult Confirmation Classes

Adult Confirmation classes will meet Sunday, March 8, 15 and 22, April 12, 19 and 26 and May 3 in the conference room. Confirmation is Sunday, May 17.

Classes are for adults who wish to make a public affirmation of their Christian faith by either being confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church, or for those who wish to learn more about the church. Topics to be covered include how the Episcopal Church works, what we believe as Episcopalians, our liturgy and music, The Book of Common Prayer, and the sacraments. For more information or to sign up for the classes, contact Amy Schell at 723-4391, ext. 1208 or

10th Annual Women’s Lenten Retreat

Lifting Women’s Voices, the tenth annual women’s Lenten retreat co-sponsored with Centenary United Methodist Church, will be held at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church on Saturday, March 21 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Colhoun A.

The retreat leader will be the Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple, Bishop Suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina. She will present “Building a Rule of Life from the Holy Family of Bethany,” based on stories from Luke and John about Mary, Martha and Lazarus. It was to their household Jesus retreated during the days leading up to the crucifixion. The three will serve as models for developing a life balanced among action, contemplation and transformation.

A Children’s Retreat led by Children’s Ministers from the two churches will be offered for students enrolled in PreK through 5th grade.

Child care will be available for children 3 years old and younger.

The cost of the Women’s Lenten Retreat is $30 and includes continental breakfast and lunch. The Children’s Retreat costs an additional $10 per household. Child care is available at no extra charge.

Register for the Women’s Lenten Retreat online.

If you plan to bring a child or children with you, please register each child separately, using the link at the bottom of the main registration page.

Bring along your journal, as journal-writing will be among the day’s activities. We also suggest bringing a sweater.

For information, contact the Rev. Darby O. Everhard at 723-4391, ext. 1209, or

Lynn Parsley’s Class

Marriage and Family Therapist Lynn Parsley will continue her class titled The Joy of the Lord Is My Strength on February 8, 15 and 22, March 1, 8, 15 and 22, April 12 and 26, and May 3 and 10 in Colhoun B and C. Lynn is addressing the difference between joy and happiness, habits that foster or diminish happiness and finding joy in our spiritual life.

Medical Ethics

On February 8 and 15 in the chapel, Dr. Roger Cole will present a two-part discussion on the nature and history of medical ethics within the Christian context. He will also discuss informed consent and surrogate decision-making and their impact on individuals and their health. Dr. Cole is a practicing physician and teaches at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, focusing on surgical ethics.