History Day 2015

The Bicentennial Committee of North Carolina’s three Episcopal dioceses is sponsoring History Day 2015 on Saturday, April 18, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at St. Augustine’s University in Raleigh.

“A Calculated Leap: Black Episcopal Missions, Schools, and Bishops, 1865-1918” will survey the post-Civil War era when the Episcopal Church in North Carolina had no precedents to follow for ministry among the newly emancipated people within its bounds.

The Rev. Harold T. Lewis, nationally noted priest, historian and author, will set the wider Episcopal Church context. The origins and development of three black Episcopal churches that endure today will be traced by Wade Chestnut (St. Mark’s, Wilmington); the Rev. Jim Abbott (St. Matthias’s, Asheville); and the Rev. Brooks Graebner (St. Titus’s, Durham). Tours of historic institutions on the St. Augustine’s campus and a reception at St. Ambrose’s Church will complete the day. “Make it a Weekend” options are also available.

History Day 2015 is co-sponsored by St. Augustine’s University and St. Ambrose’s Church in Raleigh. Program and registration details are available at www.dionc.org under “Events” or from Lynn Hoke, Project Archivist, at history@episdionc.org or (919) 602-4305.

Vacation Bible School

Monday, July 27 through Friday, July 31
For students in PreK through 4th grade

The theme for this year’s Vacation Bible School is “G-Force - God’s love in action!”

In years past, with a prepared curriculum and guidance from the Children’s Ministry staff, VBS has been run almost entirely by volunteers. But this year, the need for volunteer help is especially critical. 

If our search for a new Director of Children’s Ministries proceeds on schedule, our new staff member will still be learning the ropes in late July, when VBS takes place.

To support St. Paul’s Children’s Ministries and help our new Director make this year’s VBS a success, please demonstrate God’s love in action by using this link to volunteer. Child care will be provided for volunteers’ children who are not old enough to participate.

Register and volunteer to help

Adult Confirmation Classes

Adult Confirmation classes will meet Sunday, March 8, 15 and 22, April 12, 19 and 26 and May 3 in the conference room. Confirmation is Sunday, May 17.

Classes are for adults who wish to make a public affirmation of their Christian faith by either being confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church, or for those who wish to learn more about the church. Topics to be covered include how the Episcopal Church works, what we believe as Episcopalians, our liturgy and music, The Book of Common Prayer, and the sacraments. For more information or to sign up for the classes, contact Amy Schell at 723-4391, ext. 1208 or aschell@stpauls-ws.org.