United Thank Offering

The Episcopal Church Women’s United Thank Offering spring ingathering will be held at all services on Sunday, May 10. There will be envelopes in the pews and chapel chairs that day for your contributions, which you can then place in the offering plate or basket. Your offering may be made in cash or by check, payable to St. Paul’s ECW with “UTO” indicated in the memo line.

Prior to May 10, UTO envelopes will be available in the back of the nave, outside the chapel, at the reception desk and in the literature rack inside the Goodheart Entrance. You may mail your offering to the church or donate online at http://stpaulswinstonsalem.org/uto .

The United Thank Offering is an Episcopal Church Women’s ministry that is more than 100 years old. It directly supports our goal to be a missionary diocese. Twice a year, St. Paul’s ECW collects our offerings and sends them to the UTO diocesan chairman. A presentation is then made to the National Church where a select committee considers the many requests that have been received from both at home and abroad. We are especially proud that St. Paul’s is consistently among the largest UTO contributors in our diocese.

Let us show our thankfulness for all God has done for us by sharing our blessings with others. Please return the blue envelope with your gift on Sunday, May 10, or consider making a donation by mail or online.

In gratitude for your generosity,

Daphne Petros
St. Paul’s UTO Chairman