Wednesday Supper Series

Free of Charge: The Cost of Forgiveness, a series of Wednesday night parish gatherings for supper and a program, will be held in Colhoun A during Lent.

Supper for the whole family will be from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. Programs will be presented from 6:15 to 7:00 p.m. The cost for supper will be $7 for adults and $5 for children younger than 12, with a maximum cost per family of $20. After supper, child care for children four years old and younger will be available in room 107 off the Preschool hallway, and craft-making activities will be offered for Pre-K students through fifth graders in Colhoun B and C.

On February 25, the Rev. Dr. L. Gregory Jones, former Dean, Senior Strategist for Leadership Education and Professor of Christian Ministry at Duke Divinity School will discuss the theology of forgiveness.

On March 4, the Rev. Darby O. Everhard will lead a discussion of personal forgiveness, the individual rite of reconciliation and preparation for it.

On March 11, the Rev. Thomas P. Murray and the Rev. John E. Shields will discuss communal forgiveness and forgiveness within families. Stephen Ministers will help with the presentation.

On March 18, the Rev. D. Dixon Kinser will discuss global forgiveness.

On March 25, as part of the Harvest for Hospitality campaign, Juan Carabana, Interim Executive Director of the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry, will show “Food Chains.” In this documentary film, Florida farmworkers battle the $4 trillion global supermarket industry by partnering with growers and retailers to improve working conditions for farm laborers. Mr. Carabana will lead a discussion of the film afterwards. Please note: This program is expected to last until about 8:00 p.m. Child care will continue until the program ends.