2016 Bazaar and Luncheon logo

70th Annual Bazaar and Luncheon

St. Paul’s 70th Annual Bazaar and Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, November 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Colhoun Room.

The theme of this year’s bazaar is “Celebrating Our History,” and the focus is on fellowship, fund-raising and fun.

St. Paul's 70th Annual Bazaar and Luncheon Co-Chairs Elizabeth Myers, Liza Smith and Sarah Smith.
St. Paul’s 70th Annual Bazaar and Luncheon Co-Chairs Elizabeth Myers, Liza Smith and Sarah Smith.

Proceeds of the Bazaar and Luncheon will support the mission and ministries of St. Paul’s as well as local, national and international charities recommended to the ECW Council by this year’s Co-Chairs.

Preliminary Events

To kick off the celebration, the Bazaar Co-Chairs have scheduled a gathering for craft-making and socializing on Tuesday, September 13 from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the Youth Room.

On Thursday, September 15, at 10:30 a.m., all former Bazaar Chairs are invited to a garden party at Liza Smith’s home at 375 Roslyn Road in Winston-Salem.

A second parish-wide meeting for crafting and fellowship will be held Wednesday, October 19, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in Colhoun B. Child care will be available during both events. All are welcome!

The Bazaar and Luncheon

This year’s Bazaar will offer the most popular traditions from years past, including:

The Bazaar Food Booth, featuring festively-wrapped homemade baked goods.

The Wishing Tree silent auction, stocked with goods and service vouchers donated by area businesses and parishioners.

The Bazaar Luncheon, served in Colhoun B and C from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. To-go orders may be picked up in the hallway outside the kitchen during that time. The menu includes a choice of lasagna or chicken salad with bread, salad, tea or coffee and a choice of brownie or lemon tart.

Raffle tickets are on sale at $5 each in advance and throughout the day of the Bazaar when drawings for prizes will take place. You do not need to be present to win.

Bazaar Angels support the Bazaar by making tax-deductible cash donations. Mail your check, payable to St. Paul’s ECW with “Bazaar” in the memo line, to the church.

All Are Welcome to Participate

To donate merchandise for sale or to volunteer to help, contact Bazaar Co-Chairs Elizabeth Myers at etmyers4@gmail.com, Liza Smith at lizalsmith94@gmail.com or Sarah Smith at sarahsmith1030@yahoo.com.

Tickets for the raffle and luncheon can be purchased in advance at the front desk and on Sunday, October 23, 30 and November 6 in the library before and after formation classes.

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