
The Transitions section, published weekly in ParishLight and monthly in ParishLife, lists births, baptisms, new members, marriages and deaths of parishioners and immediate family members of parishioners, including parents, children, brothers, sisters, grandparents and grandchildren. Staff members and their immediate family members are also included in Transitions.

Announcements must come to the attention of the Communications Director to be included in Transitions.

Birth announcements list the child’s full name, birth date, parents’ names and the names and relationship of parishioners or staff members in the child’s immediate family. Grandchildren of parishioners and staff members are listed on request.

Baptism announcements include the full name of the person baptized, the date of the baptism and, in the case of minor children, the parents’ names. The baptism must have taken place at St. Paul’s to be listed.

New members are listed by their “goes-by” names. The gender of minor children is indicated, if known.

Marriages at St. Paul’s of active parishioners and their children are listed. If the liturgy takes place elsewhere, the marriage may be listed on request by the parishioner. Announcements include the full names of the bride and groom, the wedding date and city and state where the marriage took place, if other than St. Paul’s.

Deaths of parishioners and immediate family members of parishioners are listed with the deceased person’s full name, death date and relationship to any surviving, active parishioners.

A house of prayer for all people.