Pastoral Care

St. Paul’s clergy, pastoral staff and lay volunteers provide pastoral care to individual parishioners as needed in a variety of circumstances and at all ages and stages of life.

In the name of this congregation, we send you out bearing these holy gifts, that those to whom you go may share with us in the communion of Christ’s Body and Blood. We who are many are one body, because we all share one bread, one cup. Amen.

Eucharistic Visitors 

Eucharistic Visitors are lay people who are trained by clergy and licensed by our bishop to administer the consecrated bread and wine to those who are unable to come to church. Visits typically take place in parishioners’ homes, hospital rooms or at hospice. Eucharistic Visitors are sent out from church with a prayer by the congregation on Sunday mornings.

Healing Prayer

St. Paul’s Healing Prayer Team offers prayers asking for healing of body, mind and spirit during worship services. At Sunday services in the nave, members of the team are available at the side altar during Holy Communion. In the chapel, healing prayers are offered at the prayer desk.

Hospital Visits

Clergy and pastoral staff visit area hospitals regularly to see parishioners known to have been admitted.

Prayer Lists

St. Paul’s maintains a public prayer list, published in ParishWeek and ParishLight, a confidential prayer list shared only with clergy and pastoral staff and a prayer list for those on active military duty and their families. With permission, people may be added to the public and confidential lists by full name or first name only and will normally remain on the list for one month unless the request is renewed. Those on the military prayer list usually remain as long as they are on active duty.

Recovery Ministry

The mission of the St. Paul’s Recovery Ministry is to educate parishioners about the disease of addiction and the paths to recovery with the goal of fostering a caring and approachable congregation supportive of those who are affected by this devastating illness.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry prepares lay persons to provide distinctively Christian, confidential care one-on-one to those experiencing circumstances such as illness, divorce, loss of a loved one or loss of employment. Stephen Ministers typically meet with their care receivers for one hour per week and attend supervision meetings once a month.

Caring in Community: Mental Health and Wholeness

Mental health—both our own and that of those around us—has a profound effect on our physical and spiritual health, relationships and community. The goal of Caring in Community is to help us respond more lovingly to the many who are hurting in our midst. The church can be a place where we find safe spaces to walk alongside each other as we and our loved ones face grief, loss, stress, trauma, addiction and/or mental illness. The Caring in Community Committee welcomes you to participate with us in this ministry of healing and hope.

A house of prayer for all people.