The 1876 Society

In 1876, the Convention of the Diocese of North Carolina passed a resolution preparing the way for an Episcopal Church in Forsyth County. By 1879, a small frame building was consecrated and St. Paul’s parish was established.

That small, hopeful beginning laid the cornerstone for the dynamic and caring community we are today. Our community praises God in celebration and comforts in times of challenge. We feed the hungry, visit the imprisoned, shelter the homeless and teach children in need. Together we honor the spirit of our founders as we continue to build a loving and determined faith family. And, like all families, we grow, we flourish and we plan for the generations who will come after us.

For nearly 140 years we have benefited from those parishioners who have gone before us and now we have a concrete way to join in their witness and ensure the future of St. Paul’s.

There are significant and meaningful ways in which to create a legacy that will impact St. Paul’s for generations to come. The St. Paul’s 1876 Society honors those who have informed us of their intentions to include St. Paul’s in their plans.

These future gifts are essential to the financial strength and stability of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. It is true that day-to-day operations are funded primarily by annual pledges and stewardship support, but annual gifts are simply not enough to support and sustain our church.

A bequest, by will and beneficiary designations for your retirement assets, life insurance and living trusts, is an opportunity to make an important contribution for the future of St. Paul’s that does not impact your current financial situation.

The Serving Boldly Fund

The Church’s most pressing needs are able to be addressed with gifts to the Serving Boldly Fund. This fund is designed to accept gifts and bequests in any amount that will be used for general operations of the church as determined by the Vestry. All undesignated planned gifts will become part of this fund; however, donors may also choose to support Serving Boldly Funds that are broadly defined. Gifts to these funds are not endowed and may include:

The Worship and Christian Education Fund supports music, youth and senior adult ministries.

The Building and Grounds Fund supports the maintenance and beautification of the church-owned buildings and surroundings.

The Mission and Community Service Fund provides support for outreach ministries, community involvement and various missions.

Establishing a Named Endowment

Donors wishing to bequeath or donate a living gift of $50,000 (or greater) may wish to establish an endowment. Endowments provide extraordinary and timeless income for St. Paul’s and ensure the financial stability of St. Paul’s in perpetuity. The income is administered by the Vestry in accordance with the donor’s wishes.

Donors may choose to name their endowment to honor or remember a special person, ministry or outreach program.

The Tower Fund

The Tower Fund endowment is held at The Winston Salem Foundation and is intended to perpetually support the church’s ministries beyond what is possible through annual operating funds. Donors may direct their gifts of any amount at any time or through their estate plans to The Tower Fund endowment.

Your Response

If your devotion to St. Paul’s leads you to consider a legacy gift, you might wish to explore your goals with our clergy or staff. Please let us know how we might assist you by calling the church offices at (336) 723-4391.

See a full summary of planned giving options.

A house of prayer for all people.