Chicken Noodle Soup

Senior Adults’ Chicken Noodle Soup

St. Paul’s Senior Adults will be cooking a batch of chicken noodle soup in mid-November. The homemade soup will be ready for pick-up outside the kitchen after the 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. services on Sunday, November 20, or by arrangement with Senior Adults Minister Anne Rahn.

The soup, which must be ordered and paid for in advance, is $13 per quart. Quantities are limited, so order today! Proceeds from the sale will benefit charities selected by the Senior Adults Committee.

Please make your check payable to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, with “Senior Soup” noted in the memo line. Mail your check with this form to Senior Adults Minister Anne Rahn, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 520 Summit Street, Winston-Salem NC 27101. Contact Anne at 723-4797 or

Download an order form. Orders must be received by Friday, November 11.