Vestry Nominating Update

Vestry Nominating Committee Formed

Your vestry is pleased to announce that parishioners Steve Ashworth, Ted Goins, and Donna Hennessey have been elected by the Vestry to join outgoing Vestry members Henri Brown, Bill Orr, Richard Rogers, and Christine Storch to form this year’s Vestry Nominating Committee.

According to our new selection process, these parishioners were nominated by members of the parish and elected by those vestry members who do not serve on this year’s nominating committee.

The Vestry Nominating Committee is charged with selecting and recommending a slate of four candidates to serve on Vestry beginning in 2021. This year’s Vestry election will be held at the annual meeting, currently scheduled for February 2021.

Upcoming Needs of the Committee

The Vestry Nominating Committee requests that parishioners suggest names for Vestry service as soon as possible.

To submit a name electronically please visit:

If you prefer to send your suggestion by paper form:

1) Mail your form to Henri Brown, Senior Warden-St Paul’s, 520 Summit Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101, or

2) Put your Vestry Suggestion Form in the Wardens’ mailbox (located next to the second level reception desk), or

3) Scan the form and email it to Henri Brown, Senior Warden,