
But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to make this freewill offering? For all things come from you, and of your own have we given you.
–1 Chronicles 29:14

You may recognize this verse from 1 Chronicles. We pray a version of it following the offertory almost every Sunday, and it is a reminder of two important things:

First, our God is a God who gives. From the beginning of creation through the present day, one of the eternal characteristics of God is generosity. From giving light to all creation, to giving people the breath of life, to giving a son who gives his life and then gives the spirit so we can implement what he accomplished, God cannot help but give. At the center of the universe there is an open-handedness that flows from the Lord’s very being.

Second, this means that everything we have belongs to God. All the things we possess, including our treasure, time and talents, are things God has first given us. We don’t own anything, but as 1 Chronicles reminds us, we are simply caretakers of gifts and resources that belong to someone else. It is our privilege, delight and responsibility, then, to get God’s gifts where God wants them to be. Another word for this is stewardship.

You are invited to consider what part you are called to play in this holy generosity. What has God given you, and what does the creator want to do with those gifts through the ministries of St. Paul’s?

When we ask these questions in prayer and act upon the leading of the spirit, something remarkable happens: We experience joy. That’s why the theme of our campaign is Rejoice and Be Glad.

God is plotting goodness in our community, and is looking for partners. Please pray about how you are called to partner with God’s ministry at St. Paul’s by sharing your time, treasure and talent.