Frequently-Asked Questions About Annual Giving

Each fall, St. Paul’s asks every parishioner to make a financial commitment to support the ongoing ministries of church during the coming year. If you are new to the church or about to make your first-ever pledge, we hope these questions and answers will be helpful.

What is a pledge? Your pledge is your heartfelt, documented financial commitment to support St. Paul’s ministries and programs in the year ahead.

Why not simply give as I can through the offering collection plate? Campaign pledges provide the Vestry with an estimate of expected income essential to the preparation of he church’s annual budget. St. Paul’s simply cannot operate and thrive without a reasonable estimate of its financial resources. Your pledge reinforces the importance of God and St. Paul’s in your life.

How much should I pledge? Your pledge is a personal decision between God, you and your family. It should be grounded in your faith, love and commitment to God’s work through St. Paul’s. It requires reflection, prayer and priority.

Is my pledge confidential? Yes. Pledges are kept confidential.

How can I pay my pledge? There are several convenient ways to honor your pledge, including monthly credit card payments, monthly bank draft payments,  personal checks using pledge envelopes or payments of appreciated stocks and IRA payments.

Do you accept pre-payments for next year’s pledge? Yes. We are glad to accept pre-payments. Please let us know on your pledge card that you plan to pay your 2019 pledge in advance.

What if I need to update and change my pledge amount? We understand that life’s circumstances do change, often unexpectedly. Contact the church to have your pledge amount adjusted at any time during the year.

Want to know more? Contact Margaret Turner, Director of Stewardship, at (336) 723-4391, ext. 1210, or

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