An Update for St. Paul’s Novice Choirs and Choristers

For St. Paul’s Novice Choirs:

You have hopefully seen and read the email from the parish that went out earlier today concerning the COVID-19 situation. In the interest of continuing our best practices with due diligence, during this time of increased awareness I have decided to temporarily suspend our Tuesday post-rehearsal snacks. Wednesday suppers will continue as usual; you may have noticed the increased presence of hand sanitizer and signage to remind everyone to wash their hands around the church.

For St. Paul’s Choristers:

You have hopefully seen and read the email from the parish that went out earlier today concerning the COVID-19 situation. In the interest of continuing our best practices with due diligence, during this time of increased awareness I have decided to temporarily suspend our Tuesday pre-rehearsal snacks, and cereal cups on Sunday mornings. We will continue to serve bagels in the choir room on Sunday mornings, but we ask that children please have assistance from a grown-up in preparing a bagel, and only use the cream cheese knives once before discarding.

Wednesday suppers will continue as usual; you may have noticed the increased presence of hand sanitizer and signage to remind everyone to wash their hands around the church. Piano keyboard covers will also remain closed.