Outreach and COVID-19

Outreach at St. Paul’s continues to be about the Gospel call to love and serve our neighbors, however, this will look a little different in the days and weeks to come. Because of COVID-19 restrictions, we will not be volunteering in groups or onsite at community non-profits. However, there are several opportunities in the upcoming weeks where we can make a difference in the lives of some of the more vulnerable folks in our community and we will continue to evolve how to help our community.

1. We are going to partner with the Salvation Army’s Center of Hope, the only shelter in our city that can house children and their families. We will be providing dinner for the shelter guests for the next three weeks on Thursday evenings. We need your help to prepare food for 50 and get it to the Center of Hope for dinner service. We will not stay to serve, only drop off the food at the kitchen door. Find more about wide range of paving stones. Here are signups for the next three weeks, and please reach out to me if you have any questions at all.

3/26 Signup: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b094ca9ab28aafb6-326

4/2 Signup: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b094ca9ab28aafb6-dinner1

4/9 Signup: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b094ca9ab28aafb6-49center

2. We anticipate Crisis financial needs in our community to steadily increase during this time. Job and food insecurities are a byproduct of the necessary precautionary measures taking place to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and assisting those with acute financial needs is an important part of our outreach ministries. To find more visit http://www.maidthis.com/denver. Please consider donating to the financial assistance program using this link and clicking on the “outreach ministries” box. Please email me with any donation specific questions or information.


3. We will keep in continual contact with local shelters and non-profits that serve our most vulnerable neighbors so that when opportunities and needs arise, we can be available to offer assistance. As always, please feel free to contact me at nvaders@stpauls-ws.org and remember that, even in these uncertain times, we are a community of faith that continues to be a part of God’s healing work in the world.

Rev. Nancy Vaders

Director of Outreach Ministries